Vinet Hosting Solutions Uncategorized The Reason Facebook Blocks Short Links

The Reason Facebook Blocks Short Links

The Reason Facebook Blocks Short Links

Protecting customers’ privacy is at the heart of Facebook. Facebook does a lot to safeguard privacy, so they’re taking action regarding potential past abuses and putting stronger protective measures in place to prevent future abuse of the platform.

Generic domains are compromised by spammers

When posting a short link on Facebook, you might face the error message “Your content couldn’t be shared because this link goes against our Community Standards. If you think this doesn’t go against our Community Standards, let us know.” Why?

The answer is that Facebook blocks short links that have generic domains. Some URL shorteners provide customers with the generic domain to test a service. However, the generic domain is also used by spammers, so they often compromise its reputation.

Facebook mentions that spam isn’t accepted on the platform. When posting a short link with a generic domain, Facebook considers it to be spam.

We have a solution

url. helps to avoid being blocked by Facebook when sharing a short URL. You can add up to 3 personal branded domains on the Free Plan. Branded domains are credible as users can see the brand name, which promotes a link. A personal domain belongs only to your company and cannot be compromised by spammers. So, your custom short domain is thoroughly approved by Facebook.

We, you can either use an already-bought custom domain or buy a new one. The second option provides automatic domain activation.

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